Sunday, July 29, 2007

Some final thoughts from the team

As our last post, the team would like to share some of the highlights from the trip. Each team member answered the following questions.
  1. Describe the funniest moment of the trip.
  2. What was the most impacting experience for you?
  3. How were you challenged during the trip?
  4. What is the one piece of advice you would give to future mission teams?
Brooks Decker
  1. At the restaurant we ate most of our meals at, anytime you asked for something, they told you yes, went to get it, and never came back.
  2. Seeing a country of people so different than us worship and praise the same God we do with just as much passion and conviction.
  3. I was challenged by God more than circumstances. I came expecting certain things from Him, but learned quickly my expectations weren't what God planned for me in Cambodia.
  4. Don't go expecting anything in particular from God or anyone else. Have an open heart and mind and a willingness to except and be blessed by whatever comes your way.
Tracy Litzer
  1. Watching everyone inhale their McDonald's food as if they hadn't had real food in a week or so. Also listening to the translators attempt to use slang. ;)
  2. Worship with the Khmer band and spending time at the orphanage and Rapha House.
  3. The challenge for me was to do what I could for God to bless the Cambodian people without feeling like there was "so much more" that I could be or should be doing. Also sweating all the time.
  4. Be open to God, flexible, work as a family and watch God move.
Jenny Huang
  1. Having our entire team be asked to sing our worship songs to attendees at a local Cambodian church we visited. Never thought I'd be part of the choir!
  2. Gazing into the eyes of a four year old girl at the Rapha House, a program for victims of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. If you saw the joy and innocence in her eyes, you would never know how much pain she has experienced.
  3. Syncing up completely with the time zone difference, especially during daytime hours.
  4. Pray for revelation of God's heart for the country's people and sensitivity to His presence.
Terry Turner
  1. Rooming with John Brooks.
  2. It took Vatanak (one of our translators) half a weeks pay to eat with us at Burger Place. A 4 year old at Rapha House. Praying over Cambodians in English.
  3. Rooming with John Brooks. Wanting to help everyone but only being able to help a few.
  4. Practice trying to make your heart bigger before you go, you'll need it.
Samantha Ziesk
  1. Teaching the translators American slang. "We tight!"
  2. The second night of the festival when everything went perfectly!
  3. It was hard to get the courage to sing in front of 3000-5000 people.
  4. Always wear your passport.
Dean Gilliland
  1. "If it isn't big enough to kill you, it is probably on the menu." This was a quote from Sopoan (one of our interpreters) describing Cambodian cuisine.
  2. Getting to know the interpreters. Oops, actually God broke my heart at the orphanage. I have several. Can I have another sheet?
  3. Changing gears. Changing my mode of operation in order to maximize the impact of the ministry.
  4. Pray for the leaders and those in authority in the nations you visit.
Trevor Olesiak
  1. Walking by the nail parlor and seeing John Brooks getting a manicure.
  2. Being a part of worship on the last day of the festival.
  3. Patience and flexibility.
  4. If you don't physically put your bag on the bus, it's not there. A lesson I had to learn the hard way.
Chelsey Jones
  1. Seeing a girl on a moped with an IV in her arm.
  2. Getting to pray for people at the festival.
  3. Being flexible with the hotels. Some were better than others. ;)
  4. Take lots of clothes and be prepared to change during the day.
Robert O'Gorman
  1. For four days in a row, we ate chicken fried rice and pizza for both lunch and dinner.
  2. Seeing the girls at the Rapha House and getting a feel for where they've been and where they are now.
  3. Trying to stay focused and have fun.
  4. Don't think, just do it (no matter what Pastor Mike says).
Jay Callicott
  1. Watching Lance (from Healing Place Church) eat a cricket. Also "chicken fried rice and pizza anyone?"
  2. Looking out from the drum cage and seeing smiling faces and the hope in their eyes during worship.
  3. Definitely patience and endurance.
  4. Be flexible, prepared, and stay focused on the main reason you are there . . . God!
John Brooks
  1. Rooming with Terry Turner. Period!
  2. Being brought into the presence of God in another language.
  3. Patience and serving others.
  4. Be flexible. Bring extra clothes. Expect great things!
Dougie Fowler
  1. Trying to do a sound check and not one person running sound spoke English, let alone knew how to run sound. It was ridiculous and hilarious.
  2. Seeing all those children at the orphanage and bringing a smile to their face.
  3. The food and our hotel rooms at first, but it turned out good thanks to the hospitality suite (aka John Brooks' and Terry Turner's room).
  4. Just get ready to definitely not be in your "comfort zone."
Kassie Fowler
  1. Watching our team look like hyper 5 year olds when we got a McDonald's breakfast during our last layover in Singapore. Never thought I'd be so happy to see a McDonald's.
  2. Ministering in a country that has been through so much and continues to face challenges we never will was one of the most humbling experiences I've ever had. Their servant hearts and sweet faces are forever imprinted in my mind and heart.
  3. Choosing to believe that God will use you even when you feel like you have nothing to offer.
  4. GO FOR IT! Live BIG with Jesus and learn to love people and see them the way He does.
Alex Tran
  1. Our tour guide in Singapore was a trip. Among the many funny things he said, one was "I was manufactured here" when we asked him where he was from.
  2. Realizing and believing that God can change the country of Cambodia. This was after seeing thousands of Cambodians worshiping God in a Buddhist country and knowing hundred (if not thousands) of them experienced Him for the first time.
  3. Not being able to communicate with people in their native language. There are only so many translators.
  4. Journal during the trip and reflect on what God is doing both through you and in you. The experiences you have on the mission field are extremely precious and you don't want to forget them.

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